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May 30, 2023

Utilizing renewable energy is among the most promising approaches to address the pressing issue of pollution. Solar, wind, and hydropower are examples of renewable energy sources that don’t emit hazardous...

May 30, 2023

Renewable energy technologies have snappily expanded as a result of the critical need to reduce carbon emigrations and the rising demand for energy. As a result, there has been a...

May 30, 2023

Leading the charge in creating new energy storage technologies are polymer scientists. The ability to store excess energy produced during times of high production and use it during times of...

July 22, 2019

A team of researchers from organic photovoltaic cell development company NextGen Nano has discovered a means of producing organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs) that demonstrate high luminosity at lower voltages. The...

July 17, 2019

Leveraging specially-crafted organic molecules with a large singlet-triplet splitting, researchers from North Carolina State University demonstrated blue OLED chemistries capable of forming triplet excitons via direct charge injection. Through subsequent...

July 4, 2019

Twenty-five years after the first practical electric car was developed, the electric vehicle (EV) market is booming. January 2019 saw the number of EVs sold in the UK increase 110%...

April 3, 2019

New research claims that, in the race against climate change, the renewable energy industry must embrace the circular economy. Failure to do so will result in a shortage of the...

March 13, 2019

There is a third generation of solar cells made from organometallic compounds. While projects are still largely in the development phases, there has been a lot of investment recently into...

March 13, 2019

A new technological breakthrough could change the way we power electric cars. New polymer-based flexible solar panels could eventually cover the outside of your vehicle, allowing it to charge as...

March 13, 2019

A new technological breakthrough could change the way we power electric cars. New polymer-based flexible solar panels could eventually cover the outside of your vehicle, allowing it to charge as...